General Journal Entry Document

  • General Journal Entry Document- The General Journal Entry document is created as a pending document that enables the accountant to record debits and credits to affect General Ledger Account registers for a financial period.  
  • In addition to the standard journal entry section there are additional tabs that correspond to subsidiary ledger control accounts that have entry fields appropriate to the specific subsidiary ledger control account.  Aside from specific control documents, the data entry within the tabs for the subsidiary ledger control are the only way to impact the subsidiary ledger control accounts.  The header section specifies the financial period, and if the document is ready to post.  Once the document is posted the debits and credits on the General Journal Entry document impact the General Ledger and subsidiary ledger control accounts registered from within the document.
  • You can create a new General Journal Entry by selecting Journal Entries Open from the Accounting menu option and then clicking on the "Add New" button.

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