Purchase Orders

  • Purchase Orders – Handle complex cost allocation involving landed inventory costs and job tracking, but are easy to track and manage.  They are created on the fly, from a vendor quote, from a Job/Project portal as a material cost purchase order, or from a project's budget control page.  The purchase order document once posted becomes a payable listed on the accounts payable aging.  Purchase Orders can be transmitted directly to a vendor from the system with email traceability captured.  The Vendor in this case receives an email with a pdf copy of the PO, along with a link for them to acknowledge receipt, and add comments if needed, all without a login needed from an encrypted tokenized link.  There is an option to enter non-PO vendor bills that post as payables, but behind the scenes a purchase order document is created.  In this case, the purchase order document need not be transmitted to a vendor as it can be used to record overhead cost items as well.  Purchase Documents can have two line item types. Of the two line types, the voucher line item can be used to control labor hours, project/job code, phase code etc. that are allocated to a project/job.  You can learn more about the flow of purchasing by watching a brief video demo here.
  • a)       Inventory – Inventory lines once posted under standard operations results in an increase in on hand stock quantity at the landed cost recorded on the PO line.  Learn more about inventory items by watching a brief video here.
  • b)      AP Voucher Code – Established by the accounting department, it is an item code that is connected to a G/L account which under standard operations results in a debit entry to the ledger of the connected G/L account.  Most commonly it is connected to an expense G/L account to record expense purchases for the company.   Learn more about voucher codes by watching a brief video here.

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